BDK Advokati launches Digital Watch

As of today, our website includes Digital Watch, a section dedicated to legal developments affecting the digital economy. Visitors of the BDK Advokati website will be able to read our presentations and analyses of the laws, case law, and guidelines concerning issues such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, competition, e-commerce, fintech and digital assets, advertising, online publishing, intellectual property in cyberspace, data protection and privacy in the online space, use of non-personal data, consumer protection, digital health, and digital identity.

We are making available on the Digital Watch page the links to our contributions to the most recent Digital Business guides by Lexology and Mondaq. The pdf version of our Serbia chapter included in the Lexology Panoramic’s publication can be downloaded here. Our country chapter for Mondaq, also concerning Serbia but with a focus on other specific issues, can be read here.

Digital Watch will naturally prioritize the relevant developments in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. As these jurisdictions either still await or have recently introduced some of the digital and data laws that have been present for a longer time in the European Union (EU), we will expand the focus to also capture the comparatively more frequent developments in EU member states.

Visitors of our Digital Watch can, therefore, expect to read about matters such as a decision by a regulator in an EU member state about the dark patterns, issued under the national consumer protection law. Likewise, guidance by a regulator in another EU member state on awarding the status of trusted flagger under the Digital Services Act and national guidance on the fundamental rights impact assessment under the AI Act, are natural fits for our Digital Watch. We will also strive to cover decisions of IP offices or courts about trademark applications for virtual goods and services for virtual goods, or amendments to a member state’s law to regulate interoperability and portability, and switching charges, under the EU Data Act. And much more.