BDK Advokati

In the face of the growing public deficits, tax authorities around the globe have made the regulation and enforcement of transfer pricing legislation and the underlying arm’s length principle a...
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On 29 December 2012, the Serbian Parliament adopted a new Law on Public Procurement (“Law”). Procurement of real estate is no longer exempted from the application of the law, while new exceptions...
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The Serbian Parliament has passed the Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Roads (Zakon o izmenama i dopunama zakona o javnim putevima, “Official Gazette RS” no. 104/2013) (“Amendments”),...
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BDK Advokati/Attorneys at Law and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, with the support of Regional Legal Network and in cooperation with White & Case LLP, have the...
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Amendments to the Energy Law, which came into force on 30 December 2012 (Amendments), introduce a full-scale procedure for obtaining the energy permit (called “consent”) for the construction of small...
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The South East Europe Legal Group (SEE Legal), an organization gathering ten leading national law firms from 12 Southeast European Countries, has published a guide to Taking and Enforcing Security...
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Recent amendments to the Labour Law give additional protection to female employees who are pregnant or have recently given birth. The amendments came into force on 8 April 2013 (Zakon...
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The Law on The Prevention of Illegal Business (Zakon o sprečavanju nelegalnog poslovanja, „Official Gazette of Republic of Montenegro“ no.29/13) came into force on 23 June 2013. Its nature is largely...
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The latest amendments to the Serbian Law on Foreign Exchange Transactions (Zakon o deviznom poslovanju, Official Gazette of the RS 62/2006, 31/2011 and 119/2012) (“Forex Law”), adopted in 2012, liberalized...
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On 24 June 2015, BDK Advokati/Attorneys hosted a cocktail party to mark the opening of new premises at Majke Jevrosime 23, Belgrade. We had the honor of socializing with our...
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