blinkdraft| is a new service of BDK Advokati that allows clients to access a comprehensive database of templates in employment law in Serbian language-only or in bilingual version (English and Serbian). Clients can quickly convert templates into custom made, ready-to-use, legal documents through an easy and highly intuitive process.

blinkdraft| requires only a basic understanding of how technology works, so it can be used not only by tech addicts but also by those who are less tech savvy. The service is accessible from any device – the user only needs a computer, a tablet or a phone and internet connection.

The first set of more than 40 templates available to blinkdraft| clients has been created by BDK employment team. The templates are synced with the Serbian law and superb drafting standards. The database will be continuously updated, and the subscribers will be automatically alerted when an update occurs.

Everything that the user needs to do in order to convert a template into a tailor-made document is to respond to automatically generated questions. While answering the questions, the user can monitor live on the screen the population of the template. The user needs to answer the same question only once and the software will implement the answer throughout the template. Upon completing the questionnaire, the user can download the document to his own device and local data management system where he can freely manipulate with it, print it and sign. Data entered in blinkdraft| are stored on highly secured servers that comply with ISO 27001 standard.

To get a glimpse of blinkdraft|, check the demo.

Tijana Kojović, managing partner of BDK Advokati has commented blinkdraft| launch: “Over the years, BDK institutionalized a large body of know-how created in the firm in the form of document templates, practice notes and alike. We have now decided to offer some of our templates to the clients in the form of a new, technology-enhanced, service. blinkdraft| is a service that reflects our commitment to transform the way we provide legal services. The employment-related templates are only the first blinkdraft| chapter. We continue to expand the service by including templates in other fields as well.”

blinkdraft| is available through full annual subscription model, package subscription model and the model that allows access to individual templates. blinkdraft| clients are entitled to additional related services and legal services in employment law, under special terms.

For more information, visit blinkdraft| page and contact blinkdraft| team at


blinkdraft| je nova usluga advokatske kancelarije BDK Advokati koja klijentima omogućava pristup bogatoj bazi templejta iz oblasti radnih odnosa, na srpskom jeziku ili u bilingvalnom formatu (englesko-srpski). Klijenti od templejta mogu da kreiraju dokumenta u skladu sa svojm potrebama kroz jednostavan i intuitivan proces.

blinkdraft| zahteva samo osnovne veštine u korišćenju tehnologija, zbog čega ovu uslugu podjednako komotno mogu koristiti i tech ovisnici i osobe koje nisu tehnički potkovane. Usluga je dostupna non-stop na bilo kom uređaju– sve što je korisniku potrebno je kompjuter, tablet ili telefon, i internet.

Prvi set od preko 40 templejta dostupnih blinkdraft| klijentima kreirao je BDK tim specijalizovan za oblast radnog prava. Templejti su usklađeni sa merodavnim propisima i visokim drafting standardima. Databazu ćemo kontinuirano ažurirati a pretplatnici će dobiti automatsko obaveštenje o svakom ažuriranju.

Sve što korisnik treba da uradi da bi od templejta napravio dokument koji odgovara njegovim potrebama je da odgovori na automatski generisana pitanja. Dok odgovara na pitanja, korisnik na ekranu uživo prati kako se templejt popunjava njegovim odgovorima. Dovoljno je da korisnik na isto pitanje odgovori samo jednom – softver će odgovor implementirati kroz ceo templejt. Nakon što odgovori na sva pitanja, korisnik preuzima kompletiran dokument na svoj uređaj i svoj lokalni sistem za čuvanje dokumenata, gde sa dokumentom može slobodno dalje da manipuliše ili da ga odštampa i potpiše. Podaci uneti kroz blinkdraft| se čuvaju na serveru koji je usklađen sa ISO 27001 standardom.

Zavirite u blinkdraft| kroz ovaj demo.

Tijana Kojović, managing partner kancelarije BDK Advokati je povodom lansiranja blinkdraft|-a izjavila: “Tokom godina, u BDK-u smo institucionalizovali ogroman know-how kroz kreiranje templejta, uputstava i slično. Sada smo odlučili da nešto od toga učinimo dostupnim našim klijentima kroz novi format usluge potpomognut tehnologijom. blinkdraft| je rešenje koje svedoči o našem opredeljenju ka digitalnoj transformaciji načina na koji pružamo pravne usluge. Templejti iz domena radnih odnosa su prvo blinkdraft| poglavlje. Nastavljamo da radimo na proširenju ove usluge na templejte kreirane u drugim oblastima.”

blinkdraft| je dostupan kroz model pune godišnje pretplate, model pretplate na određen paket templejta, i model koji daje pristup pojedinačnim templejtima. blinkdraft| klijenti imaju pristup dodatnim povezanim uslugama, kao i uslugama pravnog savetovanja u oblasti radnog prava pod posebnim uslovima.

Za više informacija, posetite blinkdraft| stranicu i kontaktirajte blinkdraft| tim na