
A state aid conference took place in Ljubljana on 3 November 2015, gathering competition law practitioners and interested professionals from the region to listen to two prominent...
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On October 12th 2015, the Serbian Competition Authority (“Commission”) imposed a fine for bid rigging on three transportation companies operating in Niš, Serbia’s third largest city: D&D Travel,...
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The Montenegrin competition authority rendered on 24 July 2015 a decision finding that two insurance companies, Lovćen osiguranje (member of Triglav group) and Sava osiguranje...
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The last year’s judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the “right to be forgotten” (Google v. AEPD) was surprising,...
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The Montenegrin Data Protection Agency recently joined the club of the authorities in Europe who have publicly taken a position on whether their national data...
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The Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition has announced on its website that in the second week of July it had conducted its first dawn raid on...
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The Serbian Commission for protection of Competition has circulated to the legal community for comments its proposal of a new decree on the content of...
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The Serbian Whistleblowers Protection Act (“Whistleblower Act”), which applies from 5th of June, focuses on the protection of whistleblowers, by stipulating a number of safeguards that should...
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News reports published in the second half of May 2015: “Drama of the legendary actor: Gaga Nikolić is fighting for his life!”; “The actor is...
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