
Somewhat in the shadow of the decision August Storck KG v OHIM , which concerned chocolate mouse-shaped mark and received coverage in the specialized blogs (e.g. here, here, and here), another decision...
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(In relation to the dispute between Sunoko and the Commission for Protection of Competition) 1 Introduction In January this year, the Serbian Commission for Protection...
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With a post about the (so far) unsuccessful attempt by the Serbian company Sunoko to obtain approval from the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition...
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One month ago, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) added its authoritative voice to the long-lasting debate on the legal nature of...
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On the day when the post about Serbian Music Authors’ Organization – The travails of SOKOJ – appeared on this blog (18 July 2012), the...
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An article that was recently published in the “Balkan Insight” presented a criticism by members of the SOKOJ society concerning the work of this organization....
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On any given day, a TV viewer in Serbia is likely to be able to find a show produced pursuant to a license from a...
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The French Cour de cassation ruled on 30 May 2012 that the trademark representing a red sole on Louboutin’s high-heeled shoes should be cancelled. The Court thus confirmed...
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Most national copyright laws permit the use of quotes from copyrighted work for the purpose of criticism. This limitation on copyright protection was introduced more...
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