

Tijana Kojović and Marija Tasić, Chapter 46: Serbia, in European Mergers & Acquisition Review, Second edition (ed. Simon Robinson), Law Business Research, 2008

Tijana Kojović, Serbian chapter in the 4th edition of Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London,, 2007, IA07-Chapter-39_Serbia

Tijana Kojović, “Arbitration Country Report: Serbia” in Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe (eds. Christopher Liebscher and Alice A. Fremuth-Wolf), Juris Publishing, New York, 2006 and update edition 2007

Tijana Kojović, “The Privatisation Process in the Republic of Serbia: Legal Framework”, The Journal of East European Law, Columbia University, 2001/ Vol 8 Nos. 2&3 (printed in 2002), pp. 235-263

Tijana Kojović, “Court Enforcement of Arbitral Decisions on Provisional Relief: How Final is Provisional?”, Journal of International Arbitration, Kluwer Law International, Vol. 18. No. 5 October 2001, pp. 511-532

Tijana Kojović, “The Independence Principle in the Documentary Credit – A Comparison Between The UCP and Yugoslav Rules on Letter of Credit”, Privreda i pravo, 3-4/1998, pp. 56-72 (in the Serbian language)

Corporate Income Tax Permanent Establishment Provisions concerning permanent establishment (PE) are amended by specifying in Article 3 of the Law that the profits of a PE are taxed in the...
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Amendments to the Law on Civil Procedure of Republika Srpska, applicable as of 27July 2013, introduce significant novelties. The intention of the legislator behind many of the changes was to...
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Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o tržištu hartija od vrijednosti objavljen je u Službenom glasniku Republike Srpske br. 59/13, a stupiće na snagu 23.07.2013. Povećanje kapitala pretvaranjem poreskog duga u...
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On 7 June 2013, the provisions of the Law on Planning and Construction (Zakon o planiranju i izgradnji, Official Gazette RS no. 72/2009, 81/2009, 64/2010, 24/2011, 121/2012 and 42/2013) on...
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