
On September 13-14 2013, Florence was the venue of the 17th Annual Competition Conference organized by the International Bar Association (IBA). More than 180 lawyers and economists attended, from 41 countries around the...
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Back in April this year, we wrote about State aid issues surrounding the Government’s support to Fiat. The Serbian Government is once again aiding domestic producers – this time assistance has...
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On 16 July 2013, the Government of Serbia submitted to the Parliament its proposal of the amendments to the Law on Protection of Competition. We wrote on this blog on...
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At the end of April 2013, a new set of bylaws elaborating provisions of the Law on Protection of Competition came into force: 1) Rulebook on the content and the manner of...
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The Serbian Supreme Court of Cassation addressed in its decision dated 14 February 2013 the issue of standing to challenge decisions on individual exemption of restrictive agreements from prohibition granted by the...
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The Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition has published its Annual Report for 2012. Because the Commission publishes its decisions and opinions randomly, the report offers an informative scan of...
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In an earlier post, I analyzed a decision of the Commission for Protection of Competition finding that the Serbian ice-cream manufacturer Frikom abused its dominance on the wholesale market of...
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A Protocol on Mutual Relations recently signed between the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian car manufacturer Fiat automobili Srbija has polarizedthe professional and business community. According to the Protocol, the Serbian Government...
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The 2009 Serbian Law on Protection of Competition is undergoing an overhaul. The first draft of the amendments, prepared jointly by the Ministry of Trade and the Commission for Protection...
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In Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas v Autoridade da Concorrência(judgment of 28 February 2013), the Court of Justice of the European Union weighed in on the issue whether a regulatory...
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