
This post examines whether and to what extent competition rules in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina apply to public authorities when they prescribe regulations that affect or may affect competition in...
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I already wrote in this blog about the January 2012 decision of the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition blocking Sunoko’s takeover of Hellenic Sugar and the subsequent judgment of the Administrative Court quashing the...
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The topic of this post is the interplay between public procurement and competition regulations. The recently adopted Serbian Law on Public Procurement (“LPP”), to become applicable on 1 April 2013,...
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BDK’s Igor Nikolić published an article entitled “Full Judicial Review of Antitrust Cases after KME: A New Formula of Review?” in the December issue of European Competition Law Review. The...
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On 19 November 2012, the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition (“Commission”) issued a decision finding that Frikom, the largest Serbian ice-cream producer, abused dominance in the wholesale market of...
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The Court of Justice of the European Union (General Court) handed down a judgment on 14th December 2012 in Nexans v Commission case concerning the power of the Commission to...
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In the course of 2012, the Administrative Court has shown increased readiness to quash the decisions of the Commission for Protection of Competition (“Commission”) for breach of procedural rules. In...
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Competition law infringements not only hurt public interest by distorting competition, but may also inflict direct harm on businesses and consumers reflected in price surcharges. Antitrust enforcement is therefore not...
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The IBA Annual Competition Conference held in Florence, Italy on 14-15 September 2012 gathered more than 160 participants from all corners of the globe. The panelists and the audience were...
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(In relation to the dispute between Sunoko and the Commission for Protection of Competition) 1 Introduction In January this year, the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition (“Commission”) prohibited Sunoko,...
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