
The aftermarket for motor vehicles (i.e., distribution of spare parts, and provision of repair and maintenance services) is still not subject to sector-specific competition rules, but this may soon change....
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Unlike the Serbian capital, which has seen somewhat of an irregular summer temperature wise, the Serbian Competition law arena has been sizzling hot lately, with the past few months marked...
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The Serbian Competition Commission (“Commission“) has suspended the proceeding against Infostan Tehnologije, a public company providing unified utilities billing to the residents of the capital city of Belgrade. The Commission...
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The record of public enforcement of competition law in Montenegro is modest, despite the efforts which the national Agency for Protection of Competition has put in various investigations. Part of...
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The Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition (“Commission“) has published on 5 July 2016 the Instruction on Notification of Concentration  Based on Intent (“Instruction“). According to the Competition Act, there is an...
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On 16 May 2016, the Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition (“Commission“) started an in-depth investigation (Phase II)of the proposed acquisition of the sugar factory TE-TO in Senta, Serbia (ultimately...
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In a decision adopted on 24 March 2016, the Montenegrin Agency for Protection of Competition (“Agency“) found that the local water supply company from Budva “DOO Vodovod i kanalizacija” abused...
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The EU state aid rules are scattered among a number of documents, most of which represent soft law (notices, guidelines and similar documents issued by the European Commission). Harmonization with...
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The new Decree on Attracting Investments*  (“Incentives Decree“) offers to green-field and brown-field investors a new set of incentives in the form of non-repayable grants. Incentives are available in support...
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The Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition (“Commission“) on 28 January 2016 imposed fines for resale price maintenance (“RPM“) on a supplier of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids, Umbrella Corporation Ltd (“Supplier“),...
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