
The new Decree on Attracting Investments*  (“Incentives Decree“) offers to green-field and brown-field investors a new set of incentives in the form of non-repayable grants. Incentives are available in support...
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The Serbian Commission for the Protection of Competition (“Commission“) on 28 January 2016 imposed fines for resale price maintenance (“RPM“) on a supplier of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids, Umbrella Corporation Ltd (“Supplier“),...
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Restrictive agreements i.e. agreements which have as their object or effect the significant prevention, restriction or distortion of competition, can be exempted from the prohibition if they fall within one...
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The European Commission and the US reached a deal on transatlantic transfer of personal data on 2 February 2016. For the time being it is only a political agreement which...
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In October 2015, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) upheld a ruling of the Personal Data Protection Agency (“Agency”) which found unlawful the use of surveillance cameras by the...
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A new decree on the content of merger notification (“Merger Decree“) is effective in Serbia from today, 2 February 2016. Our readers may remember that we blogged on this topic when the...
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On 29 December 2015, the Montenegrin Agency for Protection of Competition (“Agency“) issued its first conditional approval of a concentration, this time between Telemach A.D. Podgorica (“Telemach“) and M-Kabl doo Podgorica (“M-Kabl“)....
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In December 2015, a journalist disclosed one patient’s health data in a TV show. The data were related to the patient’s mental health and his treatment in the mental health...
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On 15 December 2015, the European Parliament and Council of the European Union agreed on the final text of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“Regulation“). We now know what...
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Serbian Railways (Železnica Srbije) is a state-owned railway company, which until recently had a vertically integrated structure, both managing Serbia’s railway infrastructure and providing freight and passenger transportation services. Following...
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