
Serbian version This article was published on 11 April, and updated on 16 April 2020. See our latest update as of 1 May 2020. Who qualifies for the aid The...
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The new Serbian Act on Games of Chance, adopted in March this year, is set to apply from 10 April 2020. The novelties are not numerous, and conceptually the gambling...
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Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe, several national competition authorities have already opened investigations into potential infringements of competition laws. Italian competition authority has opened an abuse of dominance...
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Under the authority vested upon it by the state of emergency, the Government of Serbia has passed a number of bylaws with the aim of protecting public health in the...
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Serbian version Serbian data protection authority – the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection – has not issued any guidance on the processing of personal data...
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Serbian version By the Decision of 24 March 2020, Personal Data Protection Agency (“DPA”) in Bosnia and Herzegovina banned state-level and local authorities in the country from releasing the data...
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COVID-19 outbreak has triggered a myriad of legal issues, one of them being how one can lawfully be excused from performance of its contractual obligations where such performance is affected...
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The National Bank of Serbia has taken steps to preserve financial stability in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic situation and the associated state of emergency declared in Serbia. Specifically,...
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Changes to the yesterday report are marked. Serbia 5690 registered cases. State of emergency declared. Health measures Self-isolation at home or quarantine for 28 days for those who entered the...
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Changes to the yesterday report are marked. Serbia 5318 registered cases. State of emergency declared. Health measures Self-isolation at home or quarantine for 28 days for those who entered the...
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