
Luka Popović, Partner in the BDK office in Montenegro, gave a presentation on the highlights...
IFLR1000 ranks BDK Advokati as Tier 1 firm in all three jurisdictions
IFLR1000 2018 edition ranks BDK Advokati as Tier 1 in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in both Financial...
Vladimir Dašić speaks at 10th SEE Private Equity and M&A Forum in Belgrade 2
Senior Partner Vladimir Dašić gave a presentation on private equity activity in SEE and Serbia. He focused...
BDK Advokati advises TTTech on the acquisition of majority stake in RT-RK
TTTech Computertechnik AG, technology company specialized in robust networked safety controls for automotive, transportation, and...
Mytilineos prevails in investment arbitration dispute against Serbia 1
BDK Advokati (Tijana Kojović), together with Three Crowns LLP (Georgios Petrochilos) and Moussass & Partners...
BDK Advokati advises Blue Sea Cap
BDK Advokati advised Blue Sea Cap (BSC), a regional Private Equity firm on the acquisition of...
BDK Advokati advises Lach:ner
BDK Advokati advised Czech company Lach:ner s.r.o., major regional distributor of pure chemicals, specialized services and innovative...
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