
The Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal, in the Netherlands, recently issued a decision concerning compliance with a legal obligation as legal basis for data processing (Article 6.1(c) of GDPR). The decision...
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The Court of Amsterdam rendered on 11 March 2021 the decision in a proceeding initiated against Uber for an alleged failure to observe the data subjects’ right of access (Article...
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The Government of Serbia adopted on 11 March 2021 two new bylaws under the State Aid Control Act (Zakon o kontroli državne pomoći, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia...
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On 29 January 2021, the Belgian Data Protection Authority (“GBA“) issued a decision interesting for its contrast between a simple set of facts, on the one hand, and inclusion of...
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District Court of Central Netherlands in Utrecht rendered a decision on 8 January 2021 concerning the “naming and shaming” scheme published on a Dutch website. The court provided valuable insights...
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The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) issued on 17 December 2020 a EUR 40,000 fine against an Italian software company (Miropass s.r.l.) for GDPR violations connected to the use of...
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The case law across Europe on the use of video surveillance is possibly richer than case law on any other data protection issue – but there is always some new...
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The Federal Administrative Court of Austria confirmed by its decision of 26 November 2020 the stance of the Austrian Data Protection Authority (“Datenschutzbehörde“) that so-called “party affinity” data may not...
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Following the decision on opening investigation into alleged illegal state aid to Montenegrin airline company Montenegro Airlines, which led to grounding of its airplanes and termination of transport operations in...
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The Minister of Capital Investment in the newly elected Government of Montenegro announced on 24 December 2020 that the Government will not grant any more state aid to the national...
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