Nikolina Bajić

Problems in practice We wrote in March 2024 on the new Act on Prevention of Money-Laundering and Financing of Terrorism in Bosnia & Herzegovina (“AML Act“) and its dubious provisions....
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The Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“BiH“) has adopted a new Act on Prevention of Money-Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (“AML Act“). New obligors under the AML Act The new...
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Last year we have discussed the prospects for Republika Srpska to regulate for the first time the issuance and the use of electronic money. The wait is over – the...
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Izmjene Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srpske su bile predmet rasprave i prije stupanja na snagu. Mnoga pitanja su ostala bez odgovora. Jedna od dilema se odnosi na medijske radnike i na...
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The amendments to the new Companies’ Act of Republika Srpska, the sub-sovereign entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina, entered into force on 2 March 2023. We offer an overview of the...
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Two Turkish investor families around Mr. Baran Celik and Mr. Nuvit Gundemir signed the sale and purchase agreement with insolvency administrator Dr. Jan Markus Plathner to acquire large parts of...
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Amendments to the Labour Act (“Labour Act”) of Republika Srpska (“RS”) entered into force on 1 January 2022, simultaneously with the amendments to the RS’ Social Contributions Act and the...
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The Act on Prohibition of Harassment at Work (“Anti-Harassment Act”) of Republika Srpska entered into force on 19 October 2021. It introduces protection mechanisms against harassment within the work environment...
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