
On 10 November 2020, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina passed a decision relevant for the permissibility of  staff leasing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Background According to the facts...
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The Serbian parliament adopted amendments to the Act on Protection of Population from Infectious Diseases (Zakon o izmenama i dopunama Zakona zaštiti stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti, “Official Gazette of the...
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Vlada Srbije je 31. jula 2020. objavila Zaključak kojim privrednim subjektima odobrava dodatnu direktnu pomoć iz budžeta. Preduzetnici i mikro, mala i srednja pravna lica (MMSP) koja su u julu...
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The Ministry of Labour adopted the Rulebook on Prevention of Epidemics of Infectious Diseases (Pravilnik o preventivnim merama za bezbedan i zdrav rad za sprečavanje pojave i širenja epidemije zarazne...
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COVID-19 pandemic is on a hike and the employers are therefore faced with the necessity to introduce remote work in order to secure occupational safety and health of their employees....
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This is an update to the article originally published on our website on 14 May 2020. The article is updated from time to time to reflect new developments on the...
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Republika Srpska Financial aid Republika Srpska has so far adopted a modest package of financial aid. Its Solidarity Fund will finance social contributions for March salaries to the businesses which...
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Engleska verzija Ovaj tekst je prvobitno objavljen na našem veb sajtu 11. aprila 2020. godine, a ažuriramo ga s vremena na vreme u skladu sa pojašnjenjima i izmenama regulative koje...
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Serbian version This is the update to the article originally published on our website on 11 April 2020. The article is updated from time to time in accordance with the...
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Serbian version This is the update to the article originally published on our website on 11 April 2020. The article is updated from time to time in accordance with the...
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