
On 23 May 2013, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia decided to scrutinize the constitutionality of Article 103 para. 1 of the Law on Planning and Construction (Zakon...
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The Law on Patients’ Rights (Zakon o pravima pacijenata, “Official Gazette of RS” no. 45/2013”) came into force on 30 May 2013. The Law promulgates a catalogue of general patients’...
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Requirement that a party be represented by qualified attorney The disputed provision of the Law on Civil Procedure required that a party be represented in civil litigation by a qualified...
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Associates at BDK Tax, Tanja Vasić and Miloš Krstić, attended the 13th Annual ABA’s Conference: “Tax Planning Strategies, U.S. and Europe” which took place in London from 11-12 April 2013....
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The Law on Efficient Use of Energy (Zakon o efikasnom korišćenju energije, “Sl. glasnik RS”, no. 25/2013) (“Law“), in force since 23 March 2013, introduces new requirements on real estate...
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The Law on Efficient Use of Energy (Zakon o efikasnom korišćenju energije, Official Gazette of Serbia no. 25/2013) (the “Energy Efficiency Law”), adopted by the Serbian Parliament on 15 March 2013,...
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In the face of the growing public deficits, tax authorities around the globe have made the regulation and enforcement of transfer pricing legislation and the underlying arm’s length principle a...
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On 29 December 2012, the Serbian Parliament adopted a new Law on Public Procurement (“Law”). Procurement of real estate is no longer exempted from the application of the law, while new exceptions...
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The Serbian Parliament has passed the Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Roads (Zakon o izmenama i dopunama zakona o javnim putevima, “Official Gazette RS” no. 104/2013) (“Amendments”),...
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Amendments to the Energy Law, which came into force on 30 December 2012 (Amendments), introduce a full-scale procedure for obtaining the energy permit (called “consent”) for the construction of small...
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