
On 11 February 2022, the Spanish Data Protection Authority (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos) fined Amazon Road Transport Spain, S.L. (“Amazon RT“) EUR 2,000,000, for including criminal record certificates...
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Investment Flows We conclude our series on investment protection between Serbia and major economies with a post on France. According to the Development Agency of Serbia, France is third country...
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The Montenegrin Parliament adopted at the end of 2021 a set of legislative changes concerning taxation, in the Labour Act, Mandatory Social Security Act, Personal Income Tax Act, and Corporate...
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Investment Flows This week we focus on Italy within our series on investment protection between Serbia and major economies. According to the Development Agency of Serbia, Italy is the top...
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The Serbian Government is preparing a new Act on Environmental Impact Assessment[1] (“Draft EIA Act“) with the aim to further harmonize the existing environmental impact assessment (“EIA“) regulatory framework with...
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Amendments to the Labour Act (“Labour Act”) of Republika Srpska (“RS”) entered into force on 1 January 2022, simultaneously with the amendments to the RS’ Social Contributions Act and the...
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Investment Flows We enter the new year with a post on Germany within our series on investment protection between Serbia and major economies. Our previous posts covered the United States,...
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The Southeast Europe Dispute Resolution Handbook 2021

More Details

Milan Dakić, “CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Real Estate 2021”, Serbia

The practice of the Serbian Commission for Protection of Competition (“Commission“) shows that competition law infringements are often not intentional but a consequence of a lack of understanding of one’s...
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