
A new General Collective Agreement applicable to all employers and employees in Montenegro came into force on 31 December 2022 and will be valid for an initial period of three...
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After the Foreigners’ Act announced in August 2022 new temporary residence permit regime for digital nomads, the Ministry of Interior has now enacted a bylaw which regulates the details of...
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In 2014, Serbia made a big step forward in aligning its payment services regulations with the EU rules. The Payment Services Act (Zakon o platnim uslugama), a local equivalent of...
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The Government of Serbia adopted the Decree on the Criteria for Granting Incentives to Employers Hiring Foreign Experts Relocating to Serbia[1] (“Decree”), effective as of 18 June 2022. The Decree...
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On 18 May 2022, a group of MP’s proposed amendments to the Foreigners’ Act to introduce a possibility to obtain temporary residence permit for digital nomads. The parliamentary debate on...
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On 17 March 2022, the Government of Serbia adopted the Decision on the Temporary Protection in the Republic of Serbia of Displaced Persons from Ukraine (available in Serbian here). The...
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ESG in Legal Practice Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG“) is more than regulatory compliance. It assumes a proactive approach on the part of private actors in response to environmental, social,...
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While the European Union has introduced special temporary protective measures for people fleeing the war in Ukraine, Serbia is currently not faced with a mass influx of displaced persons from...
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Investment Flows We conclude our series on investment protection between Serbia and major economies with a post on France. According to the Development Agency of Serbia, France is third country...
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The Montenegrin Parliament adopted at the end of 2021 a set of legislative changes concerning taxation, in the Labour Act, Mandatory Social Security Act, Personal Income Tax Act, and Corporate...
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