
Recent amendments to the Labour Law give additional protection to female employees who are pregnant or have recently given birth. The amendments came into force on 8 April 2013 (Zakon...
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The Law on The Prevention of Illegal Business (Zakon o sprečavanju nelegalnog poslovanja, „Official Gazette of Republic of Montenegro“ no.29/13) came into force on 23 June 2013. Its nature is largely...
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Tijana Kojović and Dragan Gajin, “Vertical Restraints under Serbian Competition Law: A Comparison with EU Law,” European Competition Law Review Issue 8, 2012, pp. 357 – 366

The latest amendments to the Serbian Law on Foreign Exchange Transactions (Zakon o deviznom poslovanju, Official Gazette of the RS 62/2006, 31/2011 and 119/2012) (“Forex Law”), adopted in 2012, liberalized...
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Serbia has made a further step towards foreign exchange liberalization, by the Parliament adopting on 15 December 2012 a new set of amendments to the Law on Foreign Exchange. The...
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The Law on Planning and Construction, enacted in 2009, stipulated that after September 2010, companies acquired in privatization, bankruptcy proceedings or debt collection proceedings would not be able to obtain...
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We set forth below an outline of the most significant amendments to the Serbian Law on Corporate Income Tax, which came into force on 25 December 2012: Tax Rate Corporate...
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Further to a proposal to abolish certain fees and charges, the Ministry of Finance has published a list on its website of the initial fees and charges that were adopted...
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The Montenegrin Parliament adopted legislation regulating financial collaterals (Zakon o finansijskom obezbeđenju, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, no. 44/12) (“Financial Collateral Act”). The law came into force on...
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As of June 5, 2012, Bojovic-Dasic-Kojovic is offering the visitors of our website a blog specifically dedicated to intellectual property (IP) law. It is, to our knowledge, the first such...
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