
Engleska verzija Ovaj tekst je prvobitno objavljen na našem veb sajtu 11. aprila 2020. godine, a ažuriramo ga s vremena na vreme u skladu sa pojašnjenjima i izmenama regulative koje...
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Engleska verzija Ovaj tekst je prvobitno objavljen na našem veb sajtu 11. aprila 2020. godine, a ažuriramo ga s vremena na vreme u skladu sa pojašnjenjima i izmenama regulative koje...
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Serbian version This is the update to the article originally published on our website on 11 April 2020. The article is updated from time to time in accordance with the...
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Serbian government has issued a special regulation on the organization of work during the state of emergency prompted by COVID-19 (Uredba o organizovanju rada poslodavaca za vreme vanrednog stanja, “Official...
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Serbian COVID-19 is spreading. According to publicly available information to date, there are two registered cases of infection with the virus in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one registered case in...
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English COVID-19 se širi. Prema javno dostupnim informacijama, u Bosni i Hercegovini su na današnji dan registrovana dva slučaja zaraženih virusom, a u Srbiji jedan. U Crnoj Gori još nema...
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A number of corporates whose directors are not employed but engaged on no-remuneration management contracts have reported unusual requests by tax inspectors in response to their exercise of legal right...
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New Montenegrin Labour Act introduces important changes to the regulation of employment. 1. The maximum duration of fixed-term contract is extended to 36 months Although the basis for conclusion of...
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Employees in Serbia have been traditionally entitled by law to reimbursement of costs of commuting to and from work in the amount capped at the price of public transportation ticket,...
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Background Despite ideological and legal differences between the social partners (employers’ and trade unions) that emerged in the course of its drafting, the Staff Leasing Act (“Act“) was finally adopted...
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