Bogdan Ivanišević
Senior Partner
Phone: +381 11 3284 212
Consumer protection laws in Western Balkans region are largely based on the EU regulatory framework. In addition to legal expertise, our consumer protection lawyers have a firm understanding of the policies behind consumer protection regulations dictating their application.
We advise clients on permissible ways of promotion in electronic and print media, including commercials, TV sales, product placement, and online advertising. We assist in drafting sponsorship contracts and branding agreements, as well as in completing advertising declarations. We cover the restrictions concerning the advertising of alcohol, tobacco, and tobacco products. We also advise on the permissibility of direct marketing and the use of consumers’ personal data in direct marketing efforts.
We provide advice regarding the required information on the goods and services offered to consumers and product labelling. We detect and assess potentially unfair contract terms, and draft sales and services agreements as well as terms and conditions. We provide legal assistance regarding online sales, delivery of digital content, e-payments, as well as obligations of the trader in the event of consumer’s withdrawal from a distance or off-premises contract.
Our team helps clients avoid the risk of regulatory breaches related to misleading or aggressive business-to-consumer practices. We advise clients on the questions regarding the conformity of goods and services and warranty terms, including how to act upon requests for removal of non-conformity, termination of contract or reduction of price. We also deal with time-share, package travel, long-time holiday product, and other services, and draft warranty terms. Our practice includes advising on general product and food safety requirements, and representing clients in product withdrawal and recall procedures.
Bulevar knjaza Danila Petrovića 11
The Capital Plaza
81000 Podgorica
T: +382 20 230 396
Local lawyers in cooperation with BDK Advokati
Local lawyers in cooperation with BDK Advokati
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